SOLiD Core Values
SOLiD Professional
We are Solid professionals. Solid pros set the highest standards in the industry. Every day we strive to be the best that we can be in our profession.
Open Mind
We Open our mind to entirely new ways of doing things, new technologies, new environments, and new cultures and their people.
Leading Company
We Lead the industry in creativity and quality in each and everything that we do. We can follow others, but eventually we will not be proud of ourselves or survive.
Integrity is the very foundation of our company. We aim to achieve higher standards of ethics and honesty every day to maintain our personal honor, and our corporate reputation.
Dream High
We Dream beyond our reach in everything we do. We dream beyond and above the norm or that which is easily achievable. If we do that each day of our lives, we will ultimately reach the goals we aim for. We must believe that we can truly be as good as we want to be.